Happy 4 Months Baby Quotes & Birthday Wishes
Happy 4 Months Baby: It is a journey raising a baby. Your baby is turning 4 months old and you need a message to wish your baby or know a baby who is turning 4 and would like to wish them happy 4 months baby.
Find a collection of happy 4 months baby, 4th month old baby quotes, happy 4 months baby quotes, happy 4th month birthday, happy 4 months quotes, happy 4 months baby boy quotes, 4th month birthday wishes for baby girl, happy 4 months baby girl message, happy 4 months baby girl wishes.
Happy 4 Months Baby
You shall continue to be a source of happiness to your parents. Happy four months birthday.
I am so lucky to have a handsome child like you as mine. I bless God for giving me such a beautiful little one. Happy four months birthday, baby.
There’s so much joy in birthing you. I pray you live long to fulfill your purpose in life. I look forward to seeing you do exploit. Happy four months birthday, cute little bundle of joy.
It gladdens my heart to see you graciously clock four months here on earth with me and your family. Happy birthday, sweet niece.
Daddy’s princess has turned into a 4 month old cute baby. And she already has started to look so pretty and beautiful. Even your smile is becoming so adorable my baby girl. And your daddy can’t get enough of holding you and bestowing you with kisses. Happy 4 month birthday sweety!
My baby boy, today, you have completed four months of living. I know that is just a small feat compared to everything you need to accomplish in your life. Right now, my heart is filled with great joy seeing how you glorify God’s name with your little actions. As your father, I just can’t help but thank God for blessing me with this son. Happy birthday, baby!
4th Month Old Baby Quotes
As you clock four months today, may the Lord make your life a beautiful one. Happy four months birthday.
Thank you for coming into my life. My world is filled with laughter and happiness because of you. Happy four months birthday, baby.
Your growth every day melts my heart away. Seeing you give your first smile, make cute little sounds, and reaching for my hands make me want to lay my life down for you. I wish you a happy fourth month birthday, little cousin.
May you grow into a strong healthy child. The lord shall make you great. Happy four months birthday, baby.
Today, you turn 4 months. I look at you and the world seems to make sense. I wonder about what kind of human being you’re going to be when you grow up? At this point, it does not matter; as long as you are happy with yourself, so am I. May you grow with the strength you need to be great in life.
Happy 4 Months Baby Quotes
You are the source of joy for your parents. You shall not become a source of sorrow. Happy four months birthday.
It is a pleasure to have you in my life. I feel blessed that God gave you to me as my child. Hoping your first year will be filled with amazing and sweet memories. Wish you a very happy 4th birthday!
Baby boy, you make everyone around you smile. We love you so much. Happy four months birthday, baby.
No one else knows the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds from the inside. Happy 4 months baby!
A new baby marks the beginnings of all things – wonder, hope, and a beautiful dream of possibilities. Happy 4 months baby!
Happy 4th Month Birthday
When it is time to walk, you shall walk, when it is time to talk, you shall speak. Happy four months birthday.
I keep staring at your face, how can a child be this handsome. I am so lucky to be your mom. Happy four months birthday, baby.
I remember when I had you inside me, the stress, the pain, the sickness but after seeing you, you are worth all I went through. I love you so much, my baby. Happy four months birthday!
A baby girl always leaves a bit of sparkle and a bit of rainbow wherever she goes. Happy 4 months baby!
I want to wish you a very happy 4th month birthday! I never imagined how quickly time would go as I had you. You grow up so quickly, and before we know it, you’ll be going off to kindergarten and college. Happy birthday, love.
Dear son, we cannot believe you are already 4 months old. You have changed our lives in so many ways that words are not enough to describe it. My husband and I are grateful for each day that we get to spend with you, and we hope you grow into a fine young man. Happy birthday, my son!
Happy 4 Months Quotes
Since the day you were born, we have celebrated your existence daily. Happy four months birthday, baby.
The Lord shall provide all your needs according to his riches in glory. You will be successful. Happy four months birthday, baby.
It was exactly 4 months ago that you enter into this world with your full pitch cries. It was an overwhelming feeling for me. When your mommy sees you, she could not believe how lucky she has been to be blessed with such a cute baby boy. Happy four-month completion my cutie Pie.
Such a big miracle, in such a little girl! Happy 4th month birthday!
No matter what the moment, a baby girl will always render sunshine in your life with her adorable smile.
Happy 4 Months Baby Boy Quotes
The Lord shall bless your parents richly so they can take care of you. Happy four months birthday baby boy.
Happy birthday, my sweet little son. It has been 4 months since you were born, and I have not been able to express my admiration and love for you in words. I am thankful every day that you are mine. Love you, son!
God in his infinite mercy shall make your years on earth a great one. You shall have many reasons to rejoice. Happy four months birthday, baby boy.
Happy four months birthday to the boy that brightens our world. May you continue to shine bright like the star.
The Lord shall bless you so you can put smiles on your parents’ faces. Happy four months birthday, baby boy.
You are today 4 months old my handsome Son. Your Daddy will always record all the milestones of your life. May you enjoy great health, deep sleep, and lots of fun. Love you cutie Pie.
Hey, son, you are such an adorable boy to me. You continue to surprise me with your cuteness and I’m also proud of the man you will become. Happy 4th month birthday, my baby boy!
4th Month Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
It feels like yesterday when you came into this world. May we never regret your coming into this world. Happy four months birthday, baby girl!
Happy fourth month, baby girl. As your dad, I can’t help but love you every single day of the past months. I assure you that my feelings for you will remain ever true and unconditional.
I hope you never stop being cute. Even as young as you are, your kindness shows at all time. Enjoy your new age, baby girl.
Wishing you a very happy 4th month birthday my little world, you make our heart shine. May God bless you with loads of love and happiness!
No matter who comes against you, I’ll be here to take your battle upon myself. Happy 4 months birthday, girl. You’ll always be a champion.
Happy 4 Months Baby Girl Message
It gives me great joy to watch you grow. May my joy over you never turn into sadness. Happy four months birthday, baby girl.
The joy of motherhood is seeing her child so healthy and strong. Thank you for giving me peace of mind. Happy four months birthday baby.
To our dearest baby darling, may God always bless you with wonderful things. Wishing you a very 4th month happy birthday to our cutest girl!
Happy Birthday to the cute girl for completing 4 months here in our family. You are the angel that we have always wanted and Mom is so proud to have you, my girl. Stay happy, stay blessed!
I can watch you for my whole life. You are nothing but God’s masterpiece. With those soft and smooth legs of yours, I promise to take you around the world. Happy fourth birthday, daughter.
Happy 4 Months Baby Girl Wishes
Every moment of your growth is a memorable and beautiful one. Watching you grow makes me so happy. Happy four months birthday, baby.
Nothing gives me joy like watching you grow. Your charming little face is a beauty. Happy four-month birthday, baby.
I feel on top of the world today because it’s my baby girl’s birthday, you know it’s a feeling an undying one that is unconditional just like my love for you. 4th month Birthday wishes baby girl!
You will always be my darling, sweet, cute, pretty little girl. Your hugs and silly questions lighten my mind and make my day sweetheart. Happy 4th-month birthday baby girl!
Each time you cry out of discomfort my heart feels broken but I’m sure even in distress you can tell how much we love you. Happy fourth month birth anniversary, my goddaughter.

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