Best Wishes for Surgery – Before & After Surgery Wishes
Best Wishes for Surgery: No one likes going for surgery, no matter how small it is. If your loved one or someone you know is undergoing surgery they must be going through a lot. The best thing you can do is to give them support.
Find the best wishes for surgery that you can use to encourage someone who is undergoing surgery or after surgery. Your surgery wishes, prayers, and words of hope will for sure comfort them.
Best Wishes for Surgery
You’re totally ready for this. You’ve got what it takes. Success with your surgery!
You’re in the hands of one of the finest teams in the country. Keep calm, be strong, and focus on getting back on your feet. Good luck!
Sending you my best wishes and hoping that you get well soon. Good luck with your surgery.
You’re in great hands. I’ll see you as soon as you come out. Success with your surgery!
I know you will get through this and come out on the other side. You have such a big heart, a kind soul, and a spirit that can face anything. I believe in you, and I will be right here with you every step of the way, giving you my love and support.
Can’t wait to see you after all this is said and done. Best of luck with your surgery, and get well soon!
Good luck with your knee surgery. You will soon be doing all the things you love again!
Although I can’t be with you in the hospital, know that I am thinking of you and how much I love our life together. Good luck on your surgery!
I wish you good luck and recovery. I love you and know that God is watching over you.
Your family is in my constant thoughts and prayers! It is our prayer that your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.
Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Good luck with your surgery, and get well soon.
I know you will be successful in your upcoming surgery. Be hopeful God is with you.
I just wanted to send my love and prayers before your surgery tomorrow. I hope you have a fast recovery and know that we all love you so much!
You have endured so much pain and sorrow, it is now time for you to let that pain go and welcome a brand new life. I’ll be there when you wake up in the recovery room. I love you.
Read: Speedy Recovery Prayers
Best Wishes Before Surgery
Hope you feel all the love surrounding you right now. Good luck with your surgery!
Thinking about you today and hoping it’s a good one for you. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow.
I am thinking of you and wishing you a successful surgery. The doctors will do their part, but I know in my heart that your recovery will be complete with support from friends and family and the love of your husband. Prayers are being said for you right now.
Don’t worry, remember that you are in great hands! Can’t wait to see you after, and wishing you a quick and easy recovery!
I know you’re going to make it through this with flying colors. We all love you so much. You will heal quickly and be better than ever!
You’re going to be great in your new position. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Good luck with your surgery!
I hope this finds you in a place of peace and happiness. We love you so much and think of you tonight as we light our candles for good luck wishes before surgery. Keep those thoughts positive. Love you!
We are all sending you all the best wishes before your surgery. I know that everything will go great, and you’ll come out of this a new person, ready to tackle new challenges! You are in our prayers and thoughts every second, and we are so thankful for you.
Here’s praying everything goes just as it should and you come out feeling great. Good luck with your surgery!
I want you to know that you’re in my thoughts always. Keep your spirits high, and celebrate every step towards recovery. Good luck!
I hope everything is just as good as you imagine it to be! Good luck with your eye surgery!
I am so lucky to have you all in my life. It is my prayer that this surgery goes well for you and that you wake up feeling better than ever. I’ve never seen someone so strong as you, and everyone knows that you will be just fine. You are my hero!
Be strong, I promise everything will be so much better once this is behind you. Good luck with your surgery!
After Surgery Wishes
Get better and get back to your amazing self soon!
Hoping you find strength with each new day.
You’re strong enough to recover from your surgery and make life bigger and better on the other side.
Take it one day at a time, and you will be feeling better soon!
I know it’s hard being laid up after surgery, but I’m sure you’re going to come back stronger than ever. Get well soon, my friend!
Get better and get back to your amazing self soon!
I heard you’re doing well after surgery. Just wanted to send my love, along with my wishes for a speedy recovery.
I’m thinking about you and sending you plenty of love as I pray for your swift recovery. My friend and colleague will be missed. Keep smiling, laughing as much as you can, strictly following the doctor’s orders, and remembering the good results of this operation if all goes well.
I just want you to know that I really care about you and your health! Best of luck, everything will be alright!
This is a challenging period of your life, but I just know in my heart that you will overcome your illness and go about your healthy life as soon as possible. Get well soon after this successful surgery.
I am keeping our bed warm for you, and I hope that you are back in it with me soon.
Quotes About Recovery from Surgery
Sending you a note to let you know that I am thinking of you. Let me know if you are up for a visitor. Get well soon!
Get well soon! I’m so glad your surgery was successful.
Best wishes for your recovery after this surgery. I’m always there for you to give you support and spirit.
Just imagine you are back home after your successful surgery and on your way to a sweet recovery. It will be a matter of time before you are back to your best health. Stay strong.
You are always in my prayers since the first day of your illness. Better days are coming; don’t give up now after a successful surgery.
I have been praying for you throughout your hospital stay and will continue to pray for you as you recover. May God bless you and keep you.
I’m relieved to learn that it’s all over and dusted! I wish you the quickest and easiest recovery possible! Often, bear in mind that “an apple a day holds the doctor away!” Keep an eye out for me coming to see you with apple boxes!

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