Average Age to get Married
Wondering what is the Average Age to get married? Thinking you are late or too early to marry. Find it out on this article.
Are people more frequently getting married at later ages?
Yes, long ago most people used to get married at an early age. Today the average age for getting married has increased. Less people are being married. More and more people tend to stay single or marry at a later stage in life.
What is the average age to get married in the UK?
In the UK, people tend to marry at an older stage compared to other countries. The average age that men get married in the UK is 30.8 years and the average age to get married for women in the UK is 28.9 years.
Average Age to get Married in US
The average age that men get married in the US is 29.2 years and the average age to get married for women in the US is 27.1 years.
Average age of married in India
The average age that men get married in India is 26.2 years and the average age to get married for women in India is 22.1 years.
What is the legal age to get married?
Countries have different legal age to get married. The age varies from 16 to 21 years old.
For instance In Kenya, US and UK the legal age to get married is 18 years old.
Where do people get married the youngest?
The average age people get married is dependent on a number of factors; religion, culture and level of development of the country where they live. In countries such as India, Andorra is in Europe, Niger one gets a married at an early age
Where do people get married older?
In Scandinavian countries it is common to get married at a later age. For instance in Denmark the average age people get married is about 31 years old. In Sweden, Norway and Finland the average age to get married is above 30 years old.

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